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NSDUH | National Survey on Drug Use and Health, DAWN | Drug Abuse Warning Network, TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set
Collected Date: 2007-2014
Report Type: Short Report

This report presents facts about substance use among adults age 65 and older, including information on substance use on an average day, receipt of substance use treatment, and emergency department (ED) visits. This paper draws upon three SAMHSA data collections: the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), the...

N-SSATS | National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services, NSDUH | National Survey on Drug Use and Health, TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set
Collected Date: 2007-2012
Report Type: Short Report

This report uses the combined 2007 to 2012 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUHs), the 2012 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), and the 2012 National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS) to examine opioid use and treatment among women of childbearing age (aged 15 to 44).

NSDUH | National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Non-SAMHSA Data Set, TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set
Collected Date: 2012
Report Type: Short Report

This report uses 2012 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data. Adults aged 18 to 64 in poor physical health who also reported behavioral health conditions (i.e., mental health or substance use disorders) had higher total health care expenditures than adults in poor health without behavioral health conditions. These higher total...

N-SSATS | National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services, TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set
Collected Date: 2011-2012
Report Type: Short Report

This CBHSQ short report uses data from the 2011 Treatment Episode Data Set – Discharges (TEDS-D) and the 2012 National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS) to provide a portrait of treatment discharges among those referred to treatment by the criminal justice system, hereafter referred to as criminal justice...

DAWN | Drug Abuse Warning Network, TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set
Collected Date: 2010-2014
Report Type: Short Report

There has been a significant increase in hospitalizations for opioid misuse in recent years. Using 2010-2014 MarketScan commercial data, this report finds that 40 percent of patients do not receive any follow-up services within 30 days after an opioid-related hospitalization. Only 11 percent of patients received the recommended combination of...

TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set, NSDUH | National Survey on Drug Use and Health
Collected Date: 2010
Report Type: Short Report

This report looks at costs for substance use disorder treatment reported in the 2010 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. These data include costs for prescriptions for medications and behavioral treatment used to treat alcohol use disorders and opioid use disorders made in office visits to general and family practice physicians...

TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set
Collected Date: 2011
Report Type: Short Report

This is a Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) short report showing the age of substance use initiation among treatment admissions aged 18 to 30 in 2011. The Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) is a national data system of annual admissions to substance abuse treatment facilities. TEDS received treatment admission records...

TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set, DAWN | Drug Abuse Warning Network, NSDUH | National Survey on Drug Use and Health, N-SSATS | National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Collected Date: 2011-2012
Report Type: Short Report

This issue of The CBHSQ Report presents facts about substance use among young adults, including initiation, receipt of treatment, and emergency department visits for substance use \

TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set
Collected Date: 2000-2010
Report Type: Short Report

A Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) report that provides a unique national perspective of the characteristics associated with people coming to substance abuse treatment with concurrent benzodiazepine and narcotic pain reliever abuse, using data from 2000-2010.

TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set, DAWN | Drug Abuse Warning Network, NSDUH | National Survey on Drug Use and Health, N-SSATS | National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Collected Date: 2010-2011
Report Type: Short Report

This short report uses data from the 2010 and 2011 National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUHs), the 2010 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), the 2010 National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS), and the 2011 Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) to present facts about adolescent substance use...

TEDS | Treatment Episode Data Set, N-SSATS | National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Collected Date: 1996-2010
Report Type: Short Report

This is a Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) and National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS) short report about the online analytic tools users can access to explore data on US substance abuse admissions and facilities. This spotlight is a multi-year analysis that covers 1992-2010 TEDS and 1997-2010 N-SSATS.